
Thursday, May 13, 2004

I have had enough. Mr. Scioscia, here is your lineup while Glaus is hurt:

1. Figgins, SS
2. DaVanon, CF
3. Guerrero, RF
4. Guillen, LF
5. Kotchman, 1B
6. McPherson, 3B
7. Quinlan, DH
8. Molina(s), C
9. Kennedy, 2B

That's right; bring up McPherson. Playing Halter and Amezaga at third is a fraud, and there ain't no one at AAA, either.

If Glaus comes back, make this your lineup:

1. Figgins, SS
2. DaVanon, CF
3. Guerrero, RF
4. Glaus, 3B/DH
5. Guillen, LF
6. Kotchman, 1B
7. McPherson, DH/3B
8. Molina(s), C
9. Kennedy, 2B

Or DH Quinlan, if you don't believe in McPherson. Or bring up Nick Gorneault and his 341/393/569 at Arkansas to DH; he's 25 and doesn't need to be tearing up AA anyway.

One day, Garret and Salmon may come back, and Erstad may be hurt, and hopefully Kotchman will add some walks to his line drives. Then you can make it:

1. Figgins, SS
2. Kotchman, 1B
3. Guerrero, RF
4. Anderson, CF
5. Glaus, 3B
6. Guillen, LF
7. Salmon, DH
8. Molina(s), C
9. Kennedy, 2B

Is this hard? Basically, Eckstein leading off just ain't working. It's over.

I also have no idea why Blogger isn't letting me post this. Is there a conspiracy against common sense?

No. D-Mac is simply not ready the way Casey is. He'll chase breaking stuff outside the zone still. He's a quality prospect, but he's not ready for the show.
Oh, one more thing: I'm not yet convinced it's stick-a-fork-in-Eck time just yet. It's a mistake the Bosox made in the minors. He'll be back, but the big question is how soon, and how big.
Point #3: you need a home link somewhere on your sidebar with the new comment navigation, else it's not possible to get to the toplevel without editing the URL.
I don't really know if McPherson's ready; his numbers are pretty similar to Kotchman's at the same level. What I do know is that Halter/Amezaga are a pretty uninspiring duo ...

... I'll look into the sidebar thing, thanks for the heads-up ...
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