
Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Player            Runs Above Average          
Total Per 475 Opp
Adam Everett 26.4815 27.0580
Bill Hall 21.3164 26.9483
Y. Betancourt 20.2231 20.2581
Craig Counsell 14.3417 23.4115
Clint Barmes 13.1126 16.1105
Jhonny Peralta 12.5546 11.5492
Khalil Greene 12.1173 17.1336
Jason Bartlett 10.5790 15.0464
Rafael Furcal 9.7421 8.8129
Julio Lugo 8.6035 16.9157
Omar Vizquel 8.0530 8.8892
Carlos Guillen 7.2010 7.5101
Juan Castro 6.0096 14.4880
Ben Zobrist 5.6175 16.1179
Jack Wilson 5.0746 5.3892
Juan Uribe 3.5590 3.9845
Alex Gonzalez 1.7946 2.4522
Bobby Crosby 1.6061 2.5023
John McDonald 1.2517 2.5264
David Eckstein 1.0330 1.2791
Orlando Cabrera 0.6937 0.7626
Edgar Renteria 0.4223 0.4503
Michael Young -0.3092 -0.2738
Jimmy Rollins -0.7917 -0.7521
Geoff Blum -1.3196 -4.1578
Alex Cora -1.3271 -3.8260
Ronny Cedeno -1.6966 -2.0134
Hanley Ramirez -3.2046 -3.2370
Royce Clayton -3.7777 -4.4305
Angel Berroa -6.2735 -7.0897
Jose Reyes -6.3188 -6.6494
Stephen Drew -7.1256 -19.8572
Marco Scutaro -8.6261 -18.7575
Miguel Tejada -9.2369 -9.1933
Aaron Hill -9.5837 -29.8099
Derek Jeter -10.8354 -11.0834
Felipe Lopez -23.9254 -24.1938
I'm beginning to get a bit skeptical about not re-centering these numbers. Are they really based on the 2006 averages only? Of the 37 shortstops listed here, 22 come out as above average, and the entire group adds up to being 97 runs above average. That means all the other guys who played shortstop this year added up to -97 runs. I guess that's possible.

This won't mean a whole lot until we get groundball-only figures, but here are comparisons to zone rating:
Player          PMR-R    ZR-R    Diff
Adam Everett 26 27 1
Alex Gonzalez 2 10 8
Angel Berroa -6 -11 5
Bill Hall 21 -1 22
Bobby Crosby 2 7 5
Carlos Guillen 7 2 5
Clint Barmes 13 4 9
Craig Counsell 14 4 10
David Eckstein 1 7 6
Derek Jeter -11 -5 6
Edgar Renteria 0 -6 6
Felipe Lopez -24 -17 7
Hanley Ramirez -3 -17 14
Jack Wilson 5 1 4
Jason Bartlett 11 10 1
Jhonny Peralta 13 -3 16
Jimmy Rollins -1 -6 5
John McDonald 1 1 0
Jose Reyes -6 10 16
Juan Uribe 4 14 10
Julio Lugo 9 1 8
Khalil Greene 12 5 7
Michael Young 0 4 4
Miguel Tejada -9 0 9
Omar Vizquel 8 11 3
Orlando Cabrera 1 -3 4
Rafael Furcal 10 -4 14
Ronny Cedeno -2 2 4
Royce Clayton -4 -5 1
Y. Betancourt 20 -7 27
Outside a few guys, there is actually a lot of agreement here; the correlation is .495. A couple of the biggest disagreements, in particular Yuniesky Betancourt and Jhonny Peralta, are guys who have long been (or, at least as long as they've been around) seen differently by different defensive systems and subjective points of view.

Again, I'd hold off on making any real judgements, however, until we see groundball-only figures, assuming David presents them again.

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Because David is using the smoothed visiting team model this year, totals need not sum to zero, even for a single year; this model actually creates a below average baseline in general. See discussion in comments to his team totals here.
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