Monday, June 28, 2004
Well, BCS reverted to form yesterday, and his R/IP now stands at .729. He had to do something: The Punter's been on fire since his return, and has his OPS all the way up to .696!
As you know, Erstad on Monday night hit the first home run by a Halo first-sacker this season. It's kind of fun to look at ESPN's splits and learn of how powerless our infield is. We do manage to rank 21st in the game in homers from second basemen, but we're 30th at first (only two behind Minnesota!) and short. We are the only team in the majors to have zero home runs from our shortstops ...
Ramon Ortiz wants out again. Because, you know, two good starts in a row shows you belong in the rotation. I mean, even Bartolo Colon has a couple good starts this year!
Except for this: Ortiz is right. Don't look now, but he has his ERA down to 4.39. He's striking out 7.97 men per nine innings, and has a K:BB ratio above 2. He has also allowed a mere 4 home runs in his 55 innings of work, not too shabby and downright stingy by Ortiz's standards. Each of these numbers surpasses John Lackey's, for instance.
If you gave a disinterested observer the statlines of Ortiz, Colon, and Aaron Sele, and informed them that only two of the three men could be starters, who do you think they'd exclude?
I understand why Colon is untouchable in the rotation, and it's not merely because of his substantial salary -- he has a track record of success. It's easy to think he's just around the corner from turning this around. But Colon is stealing innings away (yes, Rob, he's El Ladron) from pitchers who are better right now, and if this continues it could be enough to keep the Lads out of October.
Well, BCS reverted to form yesterday, and his R/IP now stands at .729. He had to do something: The Punter's been on fire since his return, and has his OPS all the way up to .696!
As you know, Erstad on Monday night hit the first home run by a Halo first-sacker this season. It's kind of fun to look at ESPN's splits and learn of how powerless our infield is. We do manage to rank 21st in the game in homers from second basemen, but we're 30th at first (only two behind Minnesota!) and short. We are the only team in the majors to have zero home runs from our shortstops ...
Ramon Ortiz wants out again. Because, you know, two good starts in a row shows you belong in the rotation. I mean, even Bartolo Colon has a couple good starts this year!
Except for this: Ortiz is right. Don't look now, but he has his ERA down to 4.39. He's striking out 7.97 men per nine innings, and has a K:BB ratio above 2. He has also allowed a mere 4 home runs in his 55 innings of work, not too shabby and downright stingy by Ortiz's standards. Each of these numbers surpasses John Lackey's, for instance.
If you gave a disinterested observer the statlines of Ortiz, Colon, and Aaron Sele, and informed them that only two of the three men could be starters, who do you think they'd exclude?
I understand why Colon is untouchable in the rotation, and it's not merely because of his substantial salary -- he has a track record of success. It's easy to think he's just around the corner from turning this around. But Colon is stealing innings away (yes, Rob, he's El Ladron) from pitchers who are better right now, and if this continues it could be enough to keep the Lads out of October.
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