
Thursday, August 26, 2004

Halofan's worst nightmare came true last night as Clutch DaVanon hit for the cycle to help the Angels put up three touchdowns on the Royals. I am fairly certain, at this point, that the Royals would not win, place, or show at even the Little League World Series. What a hapless, helpless, hopeless ballclub are the Royals; their defense is even worse than the Kansas City Chiefs'!

Prepare to be knocked out by an awesome segue, as I move from the Kansas City Chiefs to the NFL's putrid scheme to place an American football team Anaheim. Let's get real here: southern California does not want or need a pro football team. Practically everyone in town is a fan of some other team, from the Raiders to the 49ers to the Packers to (like me) the Broncos. I'm not gonna give up the Broncos to root for the Anaheim Argonauts or whatever they put there, and I doubt I'm alone.

What's more, the great thing about not having an NFL franchise in spitting distance is that we are spared silly TV match-ups brought to us by geographical necessity, and can be shown the best games in any given week (usually, anyway).

I don't live in the OC, so I have no stake on how this would affect the City of Anaheim's ceaseless campaign to revitalize, but I'd prefer to make the LA metropolitan area more of a baseball town, anyway (I'd also love to see the disbanding of the NBA, but I'm not holding my breath on that one), and keeping a mediocre football franchise away seems like a step in the right direction.

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