
Tuesday, December 14, 2004

A couple of years ago in a fantasy league, I was dying for saves, and Yan was the closer for, who knows, Tampa Bay or something, so I picked him up ... needless to say, disaster.

This guy's a reliever and doesn't even have a career ERA that's better than average. Come on. Relievers have an advantage in ERA (Bill James discovered it was around .15 or .20), and he still is 10% worse than average? Yikes. He's had a couple of nice years, but when he's bad, he's bad, like French fire siren bad.

Somehow, we need to spend a bit over a million per year for some guy who's probably not gonna outperform Matt Hensley, or Hensley Meulens, for that matter.

Esteban Yan sucks.

He hasn't worked with Bud Black - God of Reclamation Projects - yet.
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