Wednesday, February 23, 2005
I apologize for my silence of late; I've been swamped, and just haven't had the time to try to make any sense about any baseball matters. My off-season schedule of player reviews and pro-Grich propaganda has thus been interrupted, but I hope to get back to same fairly soon.
In terms of actual Angel news, there isn't that much to inspire comment. Vlad is healthy, K-Rod is confident, and Kendry Morales is not yet in-country. Silly state legislators are trying to make names for themselves by conjuring ridiculous oppositions to the name change, and Tim Salmon is watching it all from a removed place.
I'll be back for more soon ...
I apologize for my silence of late; I've been swamped, and just haven't had the time to try to make any sense about any baseball matters. My off-season schedule of player reviews and pro-Grich propaganda has thus been interrupted, but I hope to get back to same fairly soon.
In terms of actual Angel news, there isn't that much to inspire comment. Vlad is healthy, K-Rod is confident, and Kendry Morales is not yet in-country. Silly state legislators are trying to make names for themselves by conjuring ridiculous oppositions to the name change, and Tim Salmon is watching it all from a removed place.
I'll be back for more soon ...
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