Tuesday, July 25, 2006
As you assuredly know by now, the reason Dallas McPherson wasn't recalled in Kendry's stead is that he re-tweaked his back at AAA. It's possible that he's out for the season.
With three players sharing two corner infield positions -- Ztu, Q, and Kendrick -- speculation now turns to Bill Stoneman pulling the trigger on a first baseman, preferably a lefthanded hitter to platoon with Quinlan.
The main first base name that's been mentioned as being available is Sean Casey, who's about as non-impact a bat as you can get, but he's respectable. His 299/381/418 line this year adds up to a .276 EqA, which is above average, and though he's hitting better against southpaws than right-handers in his time this season, he's a career 312/379/476 hitter against the RHP.
He's not exciting and he's not sexy, but there's not that much else out there if the Angels want to go outside the organization. Casey would come relatively cheap over the last couple months of the season and his contract is up at the end of the year. What would Pittsburgh want? I don't know; anything, really, they're a sorry team.
Casey is obviously not worth an A or even an A- prospect. A B prospect? Maybe.
But I'm not so sure that giving Howie a first baseman's mitt and a bat isn't the best way to go.
As you assuredly know by now, the reason Dallas McPherson wasn't recalled in Kendry's stead is that he re-tweaked his back at AAA. It's possible that he's out for the season.
With three players sharing two corner infield positions -- Ztu, Q, and Kendrick -- speculation now turns to Bill Stoneman pulling the trigger on a first baseman, preferably a lefthanded hitter to platoon with Quinlan.
The main first base name that's been mentioned as being available is Sean Casey, who's about as non-impact a bat as you can get, but he's respectable. His 299/381/418 line this year adds up to a .276 EqA, which is above average, and though he's hitting better against southpaws than right-handers in his time this season, he's a career 312/379/476 hitter against the RHP.
He's not exciting and he's not sexy, but there's not that much else out there if the Angels want to go outside the organization. Casey would come relatively cheap over the last couple months of the season and his contract is up at the end of the year. What would Pittsburgh want? I don't know; anything, really, they're a sorry team.
Casey is obviously not worth an A or even an A- prospect. A B prospect? Maybe.
But I'm not so sure that giving Howie a first baseman's mitt and a bat isn't the best way to go.
I was called an idiot over at Rev's Angel sitefor saying we need a backup vet 1b in case Morales goes down or doesn't develop. IT's easier to trade when you're not desperate, now we are... Let's hope my idiotic "we are thin at OF" doesn't get proven right either.
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